Free land Print

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Wondering how to claim your free Mainland parcel??


  1. Check your In-world Balance (All New users Will be born with 1AV$ To cover Land sale price)If your Balance is 0AV$ When born Please try clicking the green $0AV Sign to refresh it. If it still shows 0AV$ Please Teleport to Another region to see if that helps.. If not Please submit a Ticket @ 


     2.If you have 1AV$ In your balance Go Ahead and open The main map. Once you have found it Check the box for "LAND SALE" And Pan around on your main map to find land for sale (These usually Have A for sale sign on the map With A yellow box covering the parcel, You have to be zoomed in so far to see the land for sale) Once you have found a piece for sale go Ahead and click the area to place a marker there, Then click teleport.


     3.Once you arrive Go ahead and right click the Land And click "Buy this Land" If you are able to buy the Land Then Congrats! The land is yours! There is no hidden fees (Logins Required Atleast ONCE Every 6 Months To Avoid Your land Being reclaimed And ResoldIf you have errors Please visit this link "If you have your viewer installed Open it And find the Opensim Tab And locate the Aviworlds Grid URI under Manage Grids" Once you have found the aviworlds Grid URI Click it and click Remove Located to the right. Now in the top Where you see ADD NEW GRID  Type In the box LOGIN.AVIWORLDS.COM:8002 And click Apply. Now log back into the grid And Try to buy the parcel again. If you cannot buy the parcel still Try uising the Different viewer To buy the land. If this does not work please submit a ticket @





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